从不同的视角对学校体育思想进行理性分析和比较 ,构设了指导思想体系 :身心和谐健康思想和技能培育思想体现了学校体育的现实功效 ;终身体育思想体现了学校体育的未来长效 ,而身心和谐健康思想和技能培育思想为互补关系 ;技能培育思想则为终身体育思想提供了必具条件和基石。
The rational comparison and analysis of school physical education thoughts were made from different point of view. The guiding idea system, the harmonious and healthy thinking both in body and mind as well as the thinking for skill cultivation was constructed, which embodies the realistic efficacy of school physical education. The thinking of life long sport embodies the long-term future efficacy of school physical education. The harmonious and healthy thinking both in body and mind as well as the thinking for skill cultivation are mutually replenished. The thinking for skill cultivation provides the essential condition and foundation stone for life long sport.
Journal of Beijing Sport University
获 2 0 0 1年"全国贯彻健康第一指导思想
推动体育教学改革研讨会"论文 1等奖