太极柔力球运动是一改传统硬性击球方式 ,以弧形引化过程触及球体并顺势将球抛出为主要技术特征的 ,有鲜明民族特色的新兴体育运动项目。就太极柔力球的发源、发展及运动特点进行了较深入研究 ,并对发展过程中面临的困难提出了相应对策 ,为今后更好发展该项目提供参考价值。
Taiji softball is a sort of new developing exercise, different from the traditional way of delivering the ball inflexibly. The main technical characteristics of Taiji softball are touching and driving the ball out by circling the bat. It is a new exercise with unique national features. In this thesis the origin, development and exercise characteristics of Taiji softball were studied profoundly. Corresponding countermeasures were put forward to overcome the difficulties encountered in the process of its development so as to provide reference for better developing this sort of event in future.
Journal of Beijing Sport University