戊戌政变之后 ,梁启超逃亡日本 ,间接接触了西方近代社会及政治制度 ,思想日趋激进。但是 ,在 1 90 3年出访美国之后 ,梁启超却公开宣称自己“自美国来而梦俄罗斯” ,其思想政治立场从主张排满革命、实施民主共和退回到了资产阶级改良派的圈子之中。促使梁启超政治思想转变的原因是多方面的 ,既与他在美国考察所产生的对民主政治的失望 ,与其服膺的政治理论的改变 ,以及与其对国民性改造艰巨性认识所产生的畏难心理有关 ,也与他当时窘迫的个人处境及与康有为。
The year of 1903 sees a political ideological change in Liang Qichao from the revolution position of repelling Man and implementing democracy and republicanism to that of bourgeois evolution. The causes of the change lie in his disappointment in democratic politics resulting from his investigation of the U.S., his change of political theory, his fear of difficulty due to his realization of the difficulty in improving the national qualities, and his awkward personal situation and the change of his relation with Kang Youwei and Sun Wen.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)