分别研究了纳米TiO2 在主波长为 364nm的汞灯光照下催化氧化 0 .1mol·L- 1 的n C3H7OH及i C3H7OH水溶液反应的速率 ,证明了该组反应均为零级反应 .用XRD、TEM、SSA和FT IR PAS对催化剂进行了表征 .根据FT IR PAS的检测结果提出了光催化氧化反应的机理i C3H7OH [O] CH3COCH3[O] CH3COOH [O] … [O] CO2 +H2 On C3H7OH [O] CH3CH2 CHO [O] CH3CH2 COOH [O] … [O] CO2 +H2
Nanoscale TiO 2 is used as photocatalyst in the o xi dization process of n-C 3H 7OH and i-C 3H 7OH with the concentration of 0.1 mol·L -1 aqueous solution respectively. Mercury Lamp with the main wavelength of 364 nm is adopted as the light source, and O 2 as reactant. From the changes of the concentration of reactant and prod uct detected by gas chromatographs respectively,the reaction's order of the gro up is confirmed as zero order. TiO 2 is characterized by TEM, XRD, SSA and FT- IR-PAS, respectively. The FT-IR-PAS spectra of TiO 2 before and after reacti on show that the mechanism of photooxidization for i-C 3H 7OH is: i-C 3H 7OHCH 3COCH 3C H 3COOH...CO 2+H 2O And the mechanism of photooxidization for n-C 3H 7OH is: n-C 3H 7OHCH 3CH 2CHO CH 3CH 2COOH...CO 2+H 2O.