随着我国道路交通的发展 ,交通安全形势日益严峻 ,已经成为急待解决的社会问题。交通安全宣传教育是提高人们交通安全意识 ,减少交通事故的有效途径。本文详细讨论了我国道路交通事故的现状与特征 ,深刻揭示出交通安全意识缺乏是交通事故的主要原因。在此基础上 ,分析了目前我国交通安全宣传教育存在的主要问题。结合部分发达国家以及近年来我国交通安全宣传教育的成功经验 ,提出了建立社会化交通安全宣传教育网络的构想 。
This paper aims at discussing the traffic safety propagation in China and the corresponding measures to be taken correspondingly. To this end, the paper first of all make an analysis of the general situation on the road traffic safety as well as the particular features of traffic accidents in China based on our own statistics. Secondly, it gives a careful study of the main problems existing in the current traffic safety control. Though our traffic safety control has accumulated rich experience and has made continuous efforts to improve the traffic control as well as the traffic education, the current traffic educational work fails to adapt itself to the fast traffic increase situation. For this purpose, the paper introduces some successful traffic safety control and education experience in the developed countries, showing that the traffic safety consciousness should be cultivated among the broad masses of people, particularly, among our young citizens. Part Four of the paper tries to integrate the advanced experience accumulated both at home and abroad into a unified system both of efficient traffic safety control and traffic safety-awareness education network in China to meet the needs of the particular ever-increasing traffic expansion situation. Furthermore, a unified traffic control and traffic education network has to be developed by drawing the attention and the force of the corresponding departments of traffic control and education in vast rural areas. Our investigation proves that it has become an absolute necessity for the urban and rural communities to make joint efforts to improve the general picture of our traffic control and education. The paper also expresses its sincere wish for the traffic safety and education authoritative departments to give active response to the development of such general traffic control and education network.
Journal of Safety and Environment