

Mechano-electrochemical responses of hydrogels immersed in multi-ionic solutions
摘要 为分析多相离子溶液中智能材料水凝胶的力电化学耦合行为,提出了一种简单耦合分析方法。该方法将多相混合介质理论的基本方程分解为具有简单耦合关系的两个问题:电化学平衡问题和两相流动问题。以稳态压差下的渗透问题为算例,对生物软组织材料和水凝胶的力电化学响应进行了数值分析。计算结果表明,该方法能有效地分析生物软组织材料的响应并对水凝胶的响应提出预测。 A new method was developed to analyze the mechano electrochemical response of hydrogel, an intelligent material. The basic equations of multiphase mixture theory were split into two simply coupled problems - an electrochemical equilibrium problem and a biphase flow problem. Numerical results for steady permeation with a given hydraulic pressure in biological soft tissues was used to evaluate the accuracy of the multiphase mixture theory to predict the mechanoelectrochemical coupled response of hydrogels. The results show that the multiphase mixture theory can effectively predict the responses of biological soft tissues and hydrogels.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期230-233,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 清华大学基础研究基金(JC200035) 香港ResearchGrantsCouncilPolyU(5147/98E)
关键词 多相离子溶液 智能材料 多相混合介质 水凝胶 力-电-化学耦合行为 人造肌网 网格结构 intelligent materials multi-phase mixture hydrogel mechano-electrochemical coupled response
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