目的 探讨结合新生儿甲状腺功能低下筛查 (甲低筛查 )系统开展早期艾滋病病毒 (HIV)检测的可行性和有效性。方法 借鉴国外已有的经验 ,运用新生儿甲低筛查系统的网络 ,将收集的滤纸片二次利用 ,检测抗 HIV。结果 抽取江苏省 5个地区共 2 160份滤纸片 ,由于江苏省艾滋病流行尚处较低水平 ,故未检测到抗 HIV阳性者。结论 运用新生儿甲低筛查系统开展早期HIV检测是可行的 。
Objective To explore the efficacy and feasibility of the combination of early HIV testing with on-going newborn screening program in Jiangsu province.Methods HIV antibody was tested using neonatal dried blood spots(DSBs)submitted to the provincial neonatal screening programs,according to the protocol developed by USA.Results A total of 2160 DBSs were collected between April 2000 and December 2001.No HIV antibody positive specimens were detected owing to relatively low HIV prevalence in the province.Conclusions The combination of the two systems as described in the study is an effective method for screening large numbers of specimens,although it should be improved.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD