子宫内膜异位症是妇科常见病 ,其发病率近年明显增高 ,但其发病机制仍不清楚 ,治疗效果不满意。随着现代科技的进步 ,发现内异症患者腹腔内细胞因子的改变与子宫内膜 (腺体和间质 )异位种植、生长、粘附、侵袭和血管形成有关 ,细胞因子在子宫内膜异位症发病中起重要作用 ,其中的调节和以此为目标的干预 。
Endometriosisis a common disease that occur in menstruating females, and the incidence of the disease has been increased in resent years. But the eitology and pathophysiology of the disease still remains unclear, and the therapeutic effects is unsatisfactive. With the development of modern scientific technology, studies have reported elevated levels of several cytokines in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis, thus implicating these cytokines in the ectopic implantation, growth adhesion, progression infitration and angiogensis of endometriosis. Cytokines play a important role in the endometriosis. The regulation of the cytokines and interference with it will become the experimental and theoretical basis in the new strategic treatment of endometriosis.
Medicine and Society