目的 通过对传统食管胃吻合术的改良 ,设计出更加合理的食管胃吻合术 ,减少手术并发症。方法 将食管壁向上纵行切开 2 .5cm ,在胃壁上做“V”形胃壁瓣 ,再行食管胃端侧吻合。结果 经 48例食管胃垂瓣吻合法在临床应用 ,无吻合口瘘及狭窄发生 ,且具有抗反流作用。结论 该术式安全、可靠 。
Objective 2糤T5BZ]To apply and design new and more reasonable esophagastro vertical valve plasty from the modification of traditional esophagastro anastomosis.The method can reduce the operative complication.To apply and design new and more reasonable esophagastro vertical valve plasty from the modification of traditional esophagastro anastomosis.The method can reduce the operative complication.Methods The esophageal wall is incised longitudinally about 2.5?cm and the gastric wall is incised into “V” valve.Then esophagastro anastomosis in termino to side is performed in 48 cases.Results According to the new method performing in clinic,the esophagogastro vertical valve plasty was effective in anti reflux and able to prevent anastomotic stenosis.Conclusion The esophagoastro vertical valve plasty is safe and effective in anti reflux and can prevent anastomotic stenosis.
Modern Medical Journal