通过对中国南方3种不同质地土壤(红壤、水稻土和潮土)的室内水盐入渗实验资料的分析,由土 壤容质运移的穿透曲线数据,利用CXTFIT程序和斜率法,同时估算了弥散系数和延迟因子,探讨了Brenner数对 求参精度的影响.
Based on the figures about breakthrough curves of the solute transport in soils, the experimental data of infiltration in three kinds of soil texture (red soil, paddy soil, and fluvo-aquic soil) are analyzed. The program CXTFIT and the slope method are applied to estimate dispersion coefficient and tardy factor. The efficiency of estimating the parameters and the accuracy of different values of Brenner number are also investigated.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)