本文就如何加强高校信息工作 ,从以下四个方面做了说明 :1.理顺管理机制 ,加强服务深度 ;2 .深化工作程序 ,疏通信息流程 ;3.培养人员素质 ,适应市场需要 ;4.摆正信息工作与学校改革开放关系。
This paper eaplains why information work in collage should be strengthened. The author puts forword four suggestions: 1.To smooth the menaging system and strengthen service sense; 2.To deepen the work procedure and dredge the in formation process; 3. To train the qualities of the staff and adjust to the market's demands ; 4. To balance the relation ship between information work and reform in teaching.
Journal of Anyang Normal University