计算机辅助教学作为一种现代教学方式,是现代教育技术推广应用的趋势。多媒体CAI 课件的开发、设计越来越成为广大教师所应掌握的一种技术。本文论述了多媒体CAI课件的开发思路、步骤和设计注意问题,为多媒体CAI课件开发者提供了一般性的方法。
It is an important developing orientation for the current and future education techniquesto take advantage of the multimedia design in the teaching. Research and design of multimedia computer aided instruction courseware become an important technique for teachers. In the article, we discuss the research clew, step and problem of multimedia computer aided instruction. It affords run-of-mill technique for developer.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Natural Science Edition)