根据C6 0 晶体中 38°和 98°两种取向排列和分子在晶体中均匀分布的结构稳定性规律 ,利用已报道的C6 0 晶体在有序相两端点温度 85K和 2 6 0K取向分布的实验结果 ,得到了两种分子取向随温度的分布规律 当 38°取向排列的分子概率为分数值 1/ 4和 1/ 3时 ,C6 0 晶体将具有较大的结构稳定性和较小的介电损耗值 ,对应的温度分别为 12 2 6k和 194 3k 介电损耗实验中出现异常的现象可由此解释为 38°取向分子均匀分布的“规则———无规———规则”
The distribution regulation of two molecule orientations with temperature is obtained, according to the structural stability requesting uniform distributions of molecular 38° and 98°orientational states and by using reported experimental results of orientational occupancies at two edges of ordered phase 85 K and 260 K of C 60 crystal When orientational occupancies are 1/4 and 1/3 respectively, C 60 crystal will have more structural stability and less dielectric dissipation at correspondent temperatures of 122 6 K and 194 3 K The variation of 38°orientational molecules as uniform distribution of 'regulation-irregulation-regulation' can explain the anomalous behavior in dielectric dissipation experiments
Journal of Yichun University
江西省教育厅科技计划资助项目 (2 0 0 1387)