

Study on the future research subjects for the hydropower development and electric and mechanical design in China
摘要 我国水电装机容量至 2 0 0 1年底已达 82 70 0MW ,跃居世界第一。规划到 2 0 0 5、2 0 10、2 0 15年水电装机将分别达到 95 0 0 0、12 5 0 0 0、15 0 0 0 0MW左右。在水电工程机电技术方面的主要课题有 :15 0~ 2 5 0m水头段、出力在 70 0MW及以上的大型水电机组 ;2 0 0~ 3 0 0MW的抽水蓄能机组的国产化 ;10 0~ 2 5 0m长垂直段大电流离相封闭母线 ;5 0 0kV及以上电压的巨型电力变压器 ;± 60 0kV直流和 75 0~ 115 0kV特高压交流输电技术 ;大容量、10 0~ 5 0 0m高落差 ,5 0 0~ 75 0kVSF6 By the end of 2001, the installed capacity of hydropower in China was up to 82700 MW, ranking the first in the world. It is planned to realize the installed capacity of hydropower to be up to about 95000, 125000 and 150000 MW in 2005, 2010 and 2015 respectively. The main research subjects in the aspect of electric and mechanical technologies of hydropower project are as follows: 1) large scale hydro generating unit with the head of 150m to 250 m and the output of 700 MW or more; 2) enable pumped storage power unit of 200 300 MW to be made at home; 3) the closed bus bar with 100 250 m long vertical section and large current; 4) huge scale transformer with the voltage of 500 kV or more; 5) ±600 kV direct current and 750 1150 super voltage alternating current power transmission technology; 6) the design and application of pipe with large capacity, high drop of 100 500 m and 500 750 kV SF 6.
作者 李定中
出处 《水力发电》 北大核心 2003年第2期40-41,44,共3页 Water Power
关键词 水电开发 机电设计 抽水蓄能水电站 中国 hydropower, electric and mechanical design, research subject
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