分析现有汽轮机隔板强度的简化算法(Wahl法、M-V法)和有限元法的计算原理、特点和具体算法。对某发电厂600 MW汽轮机第8级隔板的强度进行计算分析。在有限元法的计算中,计算模型的确定包括边界处理、网格划分、蒸汽压差与温度载荷施加等。
It introduces the existing strength calculation method of nozzle diaphragm, that is calculation principle, characteristics and detail calculation method of common method (Wahl method, M-V method) and finite element method (FEM). The No.8 nozzle diaphragm strength of one power station is calculated by above-mentioned methods. Especially in using the FEM, there exist distinguishing features at the time of determining the calculation mode including boundary setting, grid division, differential pressure and temperature load action of steam.
Power System Engineering