对口虾蛄小颚腺的组成及各部分显微形态结构进行了研究 .发现小颚腺由体腔囊、迷路和原肾管组成 ,无膀胱 .体腔囊足细胞小 ,足状突起少 ;迷路细胞具有微绒毛且基底侧质膜内陷 ;原肾管细胞的微绒毛较短 ,数量少 ,但基底侧质膜内陷更深更宽 .口虾蛄小颚腺相关的细胞结构虽较为原始 ,不很发达 ,但其基本生理功能应与日本沼虾的触角腺类似 。
The morphology and structure of the maxillary gland of Oratosquilla oratoria were sdudied.The organ is composed of coelomosac,labyrinth and nephridial canal, but no bladder.The coelomosac cells have any foot processes for filtration.There are microvilli and basolateral infoldings in labyrinth cells.The cells of nephridial canal have shorter and less microvilli but deeper and wider basolateral infoldings.These structures are the basis of excretion and osmoregulation of maxillary gland.When compared with the antennary gland of Macrobrachium nipponense ,the related structures of maxillary gland of Oratosquilla oratoria are not so developed, but the function of maxillary and antennary glands is mostly the same.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)