引进二元多项式变换的概念 ,旨在利用其CCP特性计算多维数字循环卷积 ,仿照一元多项式变换的研究方法 ,详细研究了二元多项式变换成立的条件 .当模M1(z1) ,M2 (z2 )是可约多项式时 ,建立了有理域上二元多项式变换成立的 5个充要条件和 3个充分条件 ,并证明了这种变换具有循环卷积特性 (CCP) .
In this paper,we introduce the bivariate polynomial transforms in order to compute multidimensional digital cyclic convolutions with use of CCP.And similar to the polynomial transforms,we study the conditions of these transforms in detail.As can be seen,we establish 5 necessary and sufficient conditions (Theorem 1-5) and 3 sufficient conditions (Theorem 6-8) of these transforms when the module M 1(z 1),M 2(z 2) are reducible polynomials,and in this case the transforms have the cyclic convolution property (CCP).
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