在 8 0~ 4 0 0K自动精密绝热量热装置的基础上 ,利用美国惠普公司制造的AGILENT 34970A及配套模块 ,对绝热量热测试过程的加热和绝热控制、能量和温度测量等实现了全过程的自动控制 .热平衡判据、温度测量、绝热控制、热容数据的计算和处理、结果显示和打印均由计算机自动完成 .开发的系统结构紧凑 ,性能稳定 ,操作方便 ,用量热标准物α-Al2 O3标定 ,与美国标准局数据比较 ,相对误差小于± 0 .35 % .
A fully automated adiabatic caloumeter used for heat capacity measurements in the temperature range from 80 to 400K is constructed.All of the calorimetric procedures,including energy input,temperature measurement and adiabatic control,are perfoemed by the computer.The hardware of the calouimetric system consists of Agiednt 34970A Data Collection/Switch Unit and P4 computer.The reliability of the calorimetric system is verfied by measuring the heat capacities of the calorimetric standard material,α-Al 2O 3.The results indicate that the standard deviation of the data obtained by this instrument was within ±0.35% compared with those of the National Bureau of Standards(NBS).
国家自然科学基金资助项目 [2 0 0 73 0 47]