
水平分层/雾化流中相间滑移特性的理论研究 被引量:1

Theoretical Research on the Relative Slip between Droplet and Its Carrying Fluid for Horizontal Stratified/Atomization Two-Phase Flow
摘要 通过对水平分层 /雾化流中液滴和其携带流体间交互作用的分析 ,提出了一个预测水平分层 /雾化流中轴向液滴速度分布以及弥散相和连续相之间相对滑移的理论模型 ,通过计算获得了两相速度参数及相对滑移参数 .计算与实验结果表明 :无论是从液滴轴向速度分布变化趋势的定性分析 ,还是从与实验数据的定量比较来看 ,建立的模型都是合理的 .液滴速度与气相速度分布不同 ,在垂直方向上液滴的轴向速度近乎呈线性分布 .油 /气两相流动时气核中液滴与气相的平均滑移比约为0 7. By means of a detailed analysis to the interaction between droplet and its carrying fluid for horizontal stratified/atomization two-phase flow, a theoretical model is proposed to calculate the droplet axial velocity profile and the relative slip between dispersed phase and continuous phase. Both qualitative analysis to the changing trend of droplet axial velocity profile and quantitative comparison with experimental data demonstrate the rationality of this model. The axial droplet velocity profile is nearly linear across the pipe section, and is different from the axial gas velocity profile. The average slip ratio of droplet velocity to gas velocity across the gas core is about 0.7 for oil-gas two-phase flow.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期310-313,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 995 460 ) 教育部归国留学人员启动基金资助项目
关键词 两相流 分层/雾化流 液滴 相间滑移 弥散相 连续相 轴向速度分布 滑移比 Atomization Mathematical models Pipe Velocity
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