用不同浓度的酵母泥混与不混鱼肝油乳化液 ,单体与群体培养西氏晶囊轮虫 (Asplanchnasiebold) ,经种群增长和繁殖力的观察 ,2 10 0mgL- 1 酵母泥混 10 0mgL- 1 鱼肝油乳化液 ,在试验的添加鱼肝油诸组中效果理想 ,在今后大规模鱼苗投饵试验中 ,可考虑应用 .
The paramenters were obtained through experiments on individual and population culture of Rotifers( Asplanchna Siebold )with different concentration of yeast solile added to different concentration of fish liver oil.reproductive ability was the best for 2?100?mgL -1 yeast solile added to 100?mgL -1 fish liver oil in added the fish liver oil groups.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition