旋毛形线虫,简称旋毛虫,其成虫和幼虫分别寄生于同一宿主的小肠和肌肉内。由其引起的旋毛虫病(trichinellosis, trichinosis),是一种严重的人兽共患寄生虫病,主要因生食或半生食含有旋毛虫幼虫囊包的猪肉及猪肉制品所致。 猪肉旋毛虫检疫 猪肉及其制品仍是目前世界上人体旋毛虫病的主要传染源,尤其是在发展中国家,应继续加强对猪肉的旋毛虫检疫工作。 目前在我国26个省市区已发现有猪旋毛虫病。
The present situation and trends of the quarantine of Trichinella spiralis in meat and its products are reviewed in this paper. Pork and the food contained pork are still the predominant source of infection of human trichinellosis in the world, especially in the developing countries. However, the outbreaks of human trichinellosis resulting from eating meat of herbivorous and wild animals has been progressively increased with the change of consumption habit in recent years. Besides, the international trade of meat will be increased in China after joining in the World Trade Organization(WTO). The meat and its products contained Trichinella larva will be possibly exported from or imported into China. If this occurs, it will affect the international trade of meat for China or trichinellosis be imported from abroad. Hence, in addition to the inspection of pork, meat of other animals and its products should also be under quarantine for the efficient control of trichinellosis.
China Food Industry