在日益注重健康生活方式的今天,人们从一日三餐的荤素搭配、原料的新鲜程度到考虑它们的来源途径,不难看出对食品加工业安全卫生的要求越来越高,这也是冷库、食品等专业领域杰出的内装饰材料——美国凯姆莱特公司生产的凯斯板Glasbord,受到广泛关注的原因所在。 凯姆莱特公司(Kemlite)是世界上最大的玻璃纤维强化塑料板(FRP)制造商之一,1998年通过ISO9002认证。产品已广泛应用于啤酒厂、分析实验室、乳品厂、食品加工厂、冷藏冷冻库。
Now the sanitation of food have aroused general concern, which ask the processing enterprises pay more attention to the processing environment. As a remarkable inside-decorating material Glasbord, produced by Kemlite, which is one of the largest manufacturers of FRP has been a favorite product in beer factory, analysis lab, food-processing factory, and refrigerator.
China Food Industry