目的 :营造良性竞争的机制和氛围 ,全面提高护理质量。方法 :通过资格认定、理论技术考试、民主测评及双项选择 ,由护理部聘任。结果 :较好地进行了人力资源的开发 ,竞聘上岗后的护士有责任感和使命感 ,工作积极主动 ,自觉地成为科室各项工作的带头人。加之岗位工资的兑现 ,更有利于护士长在科室开展工作 ,使科室各项护理工作质量显著提高。结论 :良性的竞争运行机制 ,使优秀护理人才脱颖而出 ,体现能级对应的原则 ,从而使护理质量不断提高。
Objective:To create good competition system and atmosphere, improve nursing service quality in all the aspects. Method:The nurse management department engage and select nurse based on qualification assessment, theory and skill examination, and public assessment and multi-choice processing. Result:Well developed human resources. The nurses taking up job position after competition have good sense of responsibility, and active work attitude, become the leader of the respective division. Plus salary related to the position, it makes ease and smooth for the head nurse to start her job, consequently the nursing service quality is highly improved.Conclusion:By running good competition system, the excellent nursing talent will grow up quickly. With the principle of quality fit to position,nursing service quality will certainly keep improving. Author’s address Dalian 2nd Hospital, Dalian 116011, China
Journal of Nursing Administration
responsibility nurse general
responsibility nurse
engage and select
nursing care quality