文章简要介绍了钱学森院士的生平 ,回顾了半个多世纪来钱老为我国科学技术事业做出的极其重大的历史贡献。钱老公开申明 ,所有当代科学技术学科都应该归于马克思主义辩证唯物论哲学指导下的知识体系。文章介绍了钱老在 5 0年前就精辟地论述了科学与技术之间的辩证关系 ,他的论断对当前我国科技政策的制定仍具有重要的指导意义。文章阐述了钱老对控制论和系统科学的贡献 ,介绍了钱老《工程控制论》的出版在全世界引起的轰动与产生的巨大影响。同时 ,钱老基于所承担的工作性质和经历 ,总结出系统工程的概念和方法 ,发展了关于复杂巨系统的科学思想 ,已被科学界和社会各界中许多人所接受 。
This article gives a brief account of Academician Qian Xuesen's life and reviews his outstanding contributions to the development of China's science and technology in over half of the past century.He always takes Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism as foothold and starting point whenever studing and obseving problems.He stated that all the modern scientific and technological disciplines should belong to the knowledge hierarchy which was under the guidance of Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism.The article describes that 50 year ago Qian had made a penetrating exposition on the dialectical relationship between science and technology.His scientific thesis still has important directive function in formulating and promulgating China's scientific and technological policies.The article devotes a lot of space to describing Qiao's contributions to engineering cybernetics and systems science.The article also describes the worldwide repercussions and influence evoked by the publishment of Qian's book Engineering Cybernetics.Besides,Qian summed up the conept and method of systems engineering based on his working environment and experience.This concept has been accepted by many statesmen for analyzing and solving key issues. [
Strategic Study of CAE