The fundamental solution to dynamic elastic differential equation after the Laplace transformation, which was obtained by Cruse and Rizzo, has been utilized to solve the boundary integral equation formulated by the weighted residual method. The boundary element method has been applied to dealing with the heavy tamping problem. As the elasticity modulus of soil is gradually increased after each tamping, and the loading modulus and unloading modulus are quite different, residual deformations can be finally obtained for each tamping. This is a method of nonlinear elastic analysis. The relationship of hammer velocity and falling distance for heavy tamping within liquid has been derived, so providing a theoretical background for heavy tamping under water.
The fundamental solution to dynamic elastic differential equation after the Laplace transformation, which was obtained by Cruse and Rizzo, has been utilized to solve the boundary integral equation formulated by the weighted residual method. The boundary element method has been applied to dealing with the heavy tamping problem. As the elasticity modulus of soil is gradually increased after each tamping, and the loading modulus and unloading modulus are quite different, residual deformations can be finally obtained for each tamping. This is a method of nonlinear elastic analysis. The relationship of hammer velocity and falling distance for heavy tamping within liquid has been derived, so providing a theoretical background for heavy tamping under water.