Based on the test study of the reinforced concrete twin columns as well as the Taigang existingprojects and twin column factory buildings, several strengthening measures and test research are con-ducted, which are mainly introduced as follows: <1> four sets of the failure reinforced concrete twincolumns are rehabilited and strengthened, and then the horizontally loading tests are conducted onthem; <2> the relationships of the load-displacement and strain in loading process are compared be-tween the twin columns which are covered by steel and the reinforced concrete twin cloumns;<3> Aseismic behavior of these twin columns and their efficiency of the strengthening and rehabitationare discussed in the aspect of the crack, strength and deformation; <4> the distribution between thetensile and compessive legs are analyzed after the cracks and yield strengthes of the twin columns co-vered by steel are reached under the action of the horizontal force.
Industrial Construction