介绍适用于 10 0MW以下机组中小锅炉的三相流化床烟气净化装置 ,其特点是结构简单 ,投资少 ,占地小 ,对锅炉负荷及燃煤适应性强 ,脱硫效率高。该装置已应用于 1台 6t/h燃煤采暖锅炉 ,脱硫、除尘效果良好。对净化装置的原理、流程、组成。
A three-phase fluidized bed flue gas purification facility suitable for medium-and small-size boilers below 100MW was developed by the Thermal Power Research Institute under State Power Corp. The facility features simple structure, less investment, small occupation area, strong suitability to boiler loads and fired coal sort, and high desulfurization efficiency. The said facility had been used on a 6t/h coal-fired boiler for central heating. The results of desulfurizaton and dust-elimination being good. And a description and analysis of the working principle, flow process, composition, properties, and infuencing factors for the said purification facility has also been carried out.
Thermal Power Generation