目的 探讨大肠癌细胞和组织中BAI1基因的表达情况及BAI1对血管生长和肿瘤生长的抑制作用。方法 采用异硫氰酸胍一步法提取大肠癌细胞总RNA,按RT-PCR试剂盒的步骤反转录成cDNA,PCR产物行2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析。BAI1对血管生长和肿瘤生长的抑制作用应用肿瘤移植实验MVQ的方法进行。结果 大肠癌癌组织中大多数BAI1不表达或表达下降,在全部转移的淋巴结中不表达,而在小鼠CC95大肠癌细胞移植肿瘤的周围注射Ad-bBAI1表达载体可以有效的抑制肿瘤的生长,影响肿瘤的血管生成。结论BAI1在肠癌组织及细胞表达降低,该基因可抑制肿瘤的新生血管并抑制肿瘤的生长。
Objective The expression in colorectal cancer cells and antiangiogenic, antitumor effect of BAI1 gene were determined in the stydies. Methods The total RNA from colorectal cancer cells and tissues was obtained and reverse transcribed to cDNA using RT-PCR. The expression of BAI1 Gene was analysed by gel eletrophoresis. Angiogenisis and tumor inhibition were examined through tumor transplantation and MVQ method. Results there was absent or significantly reduced expression of BAI1 in colorectal cancer cells and tissues and noexpression in metastatic lymphonodus, Ad-BAI1 vector administration in local could inhibite tumor growth ( P > 0.05) and tumor angiogenisis. Conclusion . The expression of BAI1 was reduced in colorectal cancer cells and tissues, suggesting the gene can inhibite tumor growth and new angiogenisis.
Practical Oncology Journal