
自保温预制混凝土连梁抗弯性能试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study on bending behavior of self-insulating precast coupling beams
摘要 自保温预制混凝土剪力墙结构体系是一种既能承重,又能实现保温的新型体系,为配合该体系的应用,设计了一种内填保温芯的连梁截面形式。为研究自保温预制连梁在弯矩作用下的受力性能、破坏模式与节点构造,结合模块化装配式混凝土剪力墙结构体系,设计并制作了3个连梁试件(1个现浇实心对比试件和2个自保温预制试件),对其进行低周反复加载试验。通过试验研究表明,自保温预制连梁抗弯试件的平均屈服荷载和平均峰值荷载与现浇实心连梁试件相似,平均延性系数和平均累积耗能略优于现浇实心连梁试件。 Self-insulating precast shear wall structural system is a new system to bear load and realize thermal insulation.In order to fulfill the application of self-insulating system,a cross-section form of coupling beam filled with thermal insulation core was designed.To investigate the bending behavior,failure mode and joint structure of self-insulating precast coupling beams,combined with modular assembled shear wall structural system,three groups of self-insulating precast coupling beams,including one group of cast-in-situ solid coupling beam,two groups of self-insulating precast coupling beams,were designed and tested under low cycled reversed loading.Test results indicate that the average yield load and peak load of self-insulating precast coupling beams are similar to those of cast-in-situ solid coupling beam,and the average ductility coefficient and average cumulative energy dissipation are slightly better than those of cast-in-situ solid coupling beam.
作者 龚祖平 董年才 龚徐华 Gong Zupin;Dong Niancai;Gong Xuhua(Nantong Lianlong Prefabricated Construction Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nantong 226000,China)
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第15期88-93,共6页 Building Structure
关键词 自保温预制连梁 低周反复加载试验 抗弯性能 self-insulating precast coupling beam low cycled reversed loading experiment bending behavior
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