
关系强度对团队创造力的作用机理研究 被引量:15

Function Mechanism of Tie Strength on Team Creativity
摘要 关系强度直接作用于信息的获取、传递、整合和利用,是影响团队创造力形成的重要因素。然而,目前学者多将团队内外关系强度割裂开,并未意识到其影响团队创造力的方式全然不同,且研究结论存在差异甚至结论相反。基于社会网络理论和认知信息加工理论视角,揭示组织中团队关系强度对团队创造力的作用机理,即探讨团队关系强度对团队创造力的影响过程中团队信息深化的中介作用以及团队工作标准化的调节作用,同时探索团队外部和内部关系强度的协同作用。通过便利抽样,收集四川、重庆和贵州的73个团队的调研数据,利用Spss 21. 0和Amos 17. 0统计分析软件对理论模型进行检验。研究结果表明,团队外部和内部关系强度均对团队创造力产生显著的正向影响,且二者相互增益而非替代;团队信息深化在团队关系强度与团队创造力之间起部分中介作用;团队工作标准化在团队信息深化与团队创造力之间起负向调节作用;团队工作标准化负向调节团队关系强度经由团队信息深化对团队创造力的间接影响,即团队可以通过搭建起团队外部和内部的强关系,激发个体层面的认知资源在团队层面进行交换、共享和整合,在低团队工作标准化的情景中,团队信息深化将带来更多新颖的、有用的想法。通过厘清组织中团队外部和内部关系强度的作用,弥补了团队关系强度如何激发团队创造力的研究不足;引入团队信息深化的路径探索,丰富了团队创造力实现路径的理论认识;拓展团队工作标准化至团队创造力研究领域,提供了实践中权衡标准化与灵活性来确保团队有效性的微观知识基础。研究结果不仅有利于深化团队关系强度在创造力领域的研究,而且有助于指导中国组织情景下团队层面的创造性活动。 Tie strength plays a direct role in the acquisition,transmission,integration and utilization of information,which is a key factor that influences the formation of team creativity.However,the existing studies of team creativity tend to separate team’s internal and external tie strength and scholars have realized that the influence of team’s tie strength on team creativity is completely different.There have been different or even the opposite conclusion.Based on the perspectives of social network theory and cognitive information processing theory,this article discusses that the mechanism of team’s tie strength in the organization on team creativity by using team information elaboration as a mediator and teamwork standardization as a moderator.Meanwhile,synergistic effects between team’s external and internal tie strength on team creativity are also explored.Valid samples from 73 work teams in Sichuan,Chongqing and Guizhou were collected by using convenience sampling method,and Spss 21.0 and Amos 17.0 statistical analysis software were utilized to test the theoretical model.The research results show as follows:①Team’s external and internal tie strength have a significantly positive impact on the formation of team creativity;the stronger team’s external tie strength,the greater the influence of the team’s internal tie strength on the team’s creativity,which indicate that team’s external and internal tie strength are synergic rather than substitutive.②Team information elaboration partially mediates the relationship between team’s tie strength and team creativity.③Teamwork standardization negatively moderates the relationship between team information elaboration and team creativity.④Teamwork standardization negatively moderates the indirect effect of team’s tie strength and team creativity via team information elaboration.That is to say,teams build external and internal strong ties to stimulate exchanging individual-level cognitive resources and to share and integrate team’s resources.Under circumstance of low level teamwork standardization,team information elaboration would bring more novel and useful ideas.By clarifying the role of team’s external and internal tie strength in the organization,this paper empirically tests how to stimulate team creativity through team’s tie strength;this article also enriches the theoretical understanding on the implementation path of team creativity by introducing team information elaboration;Besides,this article explores teamwork standardization into the field of team creativity and provides a micro-knowledge base that balances standardization and flexibility in teamwork practices to ensure team effectiveness.Therefore,the conclusions not only help deepen the research on team’s tie strength in the field of team creativity,but also provide guideline for the creative activities of team level in Chinese organizational context.
作者 张宁俊 张露 王国瑞 ZHANG Ningjun;ZHANG Lu;WANG Guorui(School of Business Administration,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China)
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期101-113,共13页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71372210)~~
关键词 社会网络 关系强度 团队信息深化 团队工作标准化 团队创造力 social network tie strength team information elaboration teamwork standardization team creativity
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