
私人关系对组织间关系的影响机制研究 被引量:9

Influence Mechanism of Interpersonal Guanxi on Interorganizational Relationship
摘要 企业边界人员之间的私人关系对组织间关系的重要影响得到理论界和管理实践者的一致认可,但已有研究主要关注私人关系对组织间关系的直接影响,缺乏对间接影响的考量,缺乏从企业外部环境的视角探讨私人关系影响组织间关系的边界条件。基于关系营销理论和动态能力理论,以关系规范为中介变量,以环境动态性(包括市场波动性、竞争强度和技术波动性)为调节变量,构建从私人关系到组织间关系的中介模型,并建立5个研究假设。为了检验模型和假设,以制药企业与其分销商的关系为研究情景,通过问卷调查从制药企业收集数据,获得508份有效问卷,采用Spss 17. 0软件进行多元层次回归分析验证假设。研究结果表明,①企业边界人员之间的私人关系能够促成企业间关系规范的形成;②私人关系通过关系规范对组织间关系产生影响;③环境动态性的市场波动性、竞争强度和技术波动性3个维度显著调节私人关系对组织间关系的影响。竞争强度和技术波动性强化了私人关系对组织间关系的正向影响,而市场波动性弱化了私人关系对组织间关系的正向影响。研究结果揭示了关系规范在私人关系对组织间关系影响中的作用路径,丰富了私人关系、组织间关系、关系规范三者关系的理论研究,为组织间关系影响因素研究提供了新思路;引入环境动态性作为调节变量,也为私人关系与组织间关系权变因素的研究做出了理论贡献。在实践方面,研究结果可以帮助企业管理者更加了解组织间关系的影响机理,从而能以更科学合理的方式发展组织间关系,构建紧密的渠道合作关系。 The important impact of interpersonal guanxi between boundary personnel on interorganizational relationship has long been recognized by both scholars and practitioners.While previous studies have mainly focused on the direct impact of interpersonal guanxi between boundary personnel on interorganizational relationship,the research on how interpersonal guanxi facilitates interorganizational relationship has been limited.In addition,few previous studies have examined the boundary conditions of this impact from the perspective of the external environment.In view of the background and issues,and based on the relationship marketing theory and the theory of dynamic capability,this paper proposes a mediated model from interpersonal guanxi between boundary personnel to interorganizational relationship,in which relational norms are the mediator and environmental dynamism including market turbulence,competition intensity and technology turbulence are moderators.To test the model,it proposes 5 hypotheses.Taking the cooperative relationship between pharmaceutical manufacturers and their distributors as the research setting,the research collects the data of total 508 usable questionnaires from the side of pharmaceutical manufacturers by a survey.The Spss 17.0 software was used to run multiple hierarchical regressions in order to test the hypotheses.Except for the moderating effect of market volatility not being consistent to its hypothesis,other hypotheses are all supported by the results of data analysis.Therefore,the results generally support the mediated model constructed in this paper.The results show that,first,interpersonal guanxi positively affects relational norms;second,relational norms mediate the effect of interpersonal guanxi on interorganizational relationship;and third,the three dimensions of environmental dynamism(competition intensity,technology turbulence,market turbulence)moderate the effects of interpersonal guanxi on interorganizational relationship.Specifically,competition intensity and technology turbulence strengthen,but market turbulence weakens the positive impact of interpersonal guanxi on interorganizational relationship.The results of this study reveal how relational norms mediate the relationship between interpersonal guanxi and interorganizational relationship,which could enrich the literature of the connections among the interpersonal guanxi,interorganizational relationship,and relational norms.The study also provides a new perspective for the research on the factors influencing interorganizational relationship.Furthermore,by introducing the moderating variables of environmental dynamism,it contributes to the research on contingent factors between interpersonal guanxi and interorganizational relationship.These results may help managers to understand the mediating mechanism of interorganizational relationship so as to more scientifically and reasonably develop interorganizational relationship and build close cooperative relationships with partners.
作者 庞芳兰 庄贵军 王亚伟 杨小红 陈雪 PANG Fanglan;ZHUANG Guijun;WANG Yawei;YANG Xiaohong;CHEN Xue(School of Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an710049,China;School of Economics and Management,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou730050,China;Ruikang Pharmaceutical Group Co.Ltd,Shanghai200051,China;School of Management,Xi'an Polytechnic University,Xi'an710048,China;School of Management,Shanghai University,Shanghai200444,China)
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期114-124,共11页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71472149) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(16XJA630004)~~
关键词 私人关系 组织间关系 关系规范 环境动态性 影响机制 interpersonal guanxi interorganizational relationship relational norms environmental dynamism influence mechanism
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