
船舶电网谐波的有效抑制方法 被引量:2

Effective suppression method of harmonic in ship power grid
摘要 现代船舶电网中使用了大量的非线性元器件,导致对电网产生了极大的谐波污染。针对这一问题,提出两种船舶电网谐波抑制方法,即并联型有源电力滤波器和12脉整流装置。在文中论述了2种抑制方法的工作原理,并针对有源电力滤波器检测中存在的缺陷进行了改进,提高了检测结果的准确性和实时性。并通过仿真实验,对2种抑制方法进行验证,验证结果表明:并联型有源电力滤波器和12脉整流装置优于传统谐波抑制方法,且都能有效抑制船舶电网谐波。 A large number of nonlinear components are used in modern ship's power grid, which causes great harmonic pollution to the power grid. In order to solve this problem, two kinds of harmonic suppression methods of ship power grid are proposed, that is, parallel active power filter and 12 pulse rectifier device. In this paper, the working principles of the two suppression methods are discussed, and the defects in the detection of active power filter are improved, which improves the accuracy and real-time performance of the detection results. Through simulation experiments, two kinds of suppression methods are verified. The results show that shunt active power filter and 12 pulse rectifier are superior to traditional harmonic suppression methods,and they can effectively suppress ship power network harmonics.
作者 陈传忠
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2018年第6X期97-99,共3页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 船舶电网 电网谐波 抑制方法 有源电力滤波 整流器 ship power grid power grid harmonics suppression method active power filter rectifier
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