
船舶通信系统的AIS与雷达信息融合技术研究 被引量:1

Research on ais and radar information fusion technology of ship communication system
摘要 我国目前阶段,雷达技术的应用范围相对广泛,特别是在海上监视领域中。其中,高频地波雷达能够实现超视距探测与跟踪,并实时监视区域内的动态目标,但却无法准确地提供目标身份信息。而AIS,即船舶自动识别系统的应用,则能够对监视区域内部的目标信息进行详细地检测,在识别目标类型与身份方面获得了极大的便利。然而,AIS却无法提供非合作目标信息数据。由此可见,两者各有优缺点,在提供信息方面能够实现互补,所以,船舶通信系统的AIS与雷达信息融合技术的系统化研究十分有必要。 At present, radar technology has a relatively wide range of applications, especially in the field of maritime surveillance. Among them, high-frequency ground wave radar can realize over-the-horizon detection and tracking, and realtime monitoring of dynamic targets in the area, but it can not accurately provide target identity information. The AIS, that is,the application of the ship's automatic identification system, can detect the target information inside the surveillance area in detail, and it is greatly convenient to identify the target type and identity. However, AIS is unable to provide non-cooperative target information data. From this we can see that both have their own advantages and disadvantages and can complement each other in providing information. Therefore, systematic research on the AIS and radar information fusion technology of ship communication systems is very necessary.
作者 任云烨
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2018年第9X期136-138,共3页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 通信 AIS 雷达 Communications AIS Radar
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