the enhancement effect of Marine metal oxide material composition detection has always affected its detection precision.In order to effectively solve this problem,a new spectral detection method was proposed to analyze Marine metal oxide composition by introducing binary ratio on the basis of traditional X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.According to the theory of metal oxide based and lang gus bill liquid detection criterion to determine the absorbance spectrum,the introduction of two yuan L,K curve,complete spectrum parameter debugging,preparation of test sample reagent and solvent,blend to adequately oxidation reaction,fill in the ammonia nitrate,ammonia and high purity hydrogen ammonia in the form of interval warming complete sample digestion reagents oxidation,according to the detection limit samples to determine the absorbance value,combined with the binary scale testing formula,determine the maximum absorbance detection under the target element,is the final composition analysis results.The experimental data showed that the calibration degree of element light and shadow curve of binary proportional fluorescence spectrometry was increased by 29%,and the influence factor of enhancement effect was reduced by 21%,which could effectively improve the precision of ship metal oxide detection and analysis.
XIN Ping(Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116085,China;Jilin Business and Technology College,Changchun 130507,China)
Ship Science and Technology