目的 :寻找缓解静脉补钾局部疼痛的方法。方法 :连续入院病人 30 0例 ,入院后第 1、2、3天分别静脉输入 10 %葡萄糖溶液 5 0 0ml加入 10 %氯化钾 15ml(A组 )、5 %葡萄糖氯化钠溶液 5 0 0ml加入 10 %氯化钾 15ml (B组 )以及生理盐水 5 0 0ml加入 10 %氯化钾 15ml(C组 ) ,同时观察局部疼痛的发生情况。对A组中出现疼痛的病例立即在输液中加入 10 %氯化钠 10ml,观察对局部疼痛的影响。结果 :A组中疼痛发生率为 80 .33 % ,B、C组分别为 11.6 7%及 10 .0 0 % ,与A组相比 ,差异有统计学意义 (P≤0 .0 0 1) ,而B、C组之间差别无统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。A组中疼痛病例加入 10 %氯化钠后 94.19%病人疼痛消失 ,与加入前相比 ,差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :采用糖盐水或生理盐水做溶剂补钾可显著减少疼痛的发生 ,在 10 %葡萄糖溶液中加入适量氯化钠可消除或减轻补钾时的疼痛。
Objective:To solve the problem of pain induced by potassium chloride infusion.Method:Every one in the 300 patients of continuous hospitalization was dripped with 10% glucose solutions 500ml including 10% potassium chloride 15ml in the first day of hospitalization(group A),dripped with 5% glucose sodium chloride solutions 500ml including 10% potassium chloride 15ml in the second day of hospitalization(group B),and dripped with Saline 500ml including 10% potassium chloride 15ml in the third day of hospitalization(group C).The rate of local pain was observed in every group.The cases with pain were added 10% sodium chloride 10ml in the solutions at once in group A and the changes of pain were observed.Results:The rate of pain was 80.33% in group A,11.67% in group B and 10.00% in group C.There was a very significant diference between group A and group B(P≤0.001).There was also a very significant diference between group A and group C(P≤0.001).There was no significant diference between group B and group C(P>0.05).94.19% of the patients with pain had no pain any more after 10% sodium chloride 10ml were added in the solutions in group A,and there was a very significant diference compared with the incidence of pain before 10% sodium chloride 10ml were added in the solutions (P<0.01).Conclution:When potassium chloride was put in 5%glucose sodium chloride solutions or Saline the incidence of infusion pain was very low ,and when some sodium chloride was put in 10% glucose solutions the infusion pain could be eliminated or alleviated.
Chinese Journal of Nursing
Potassium chloride
Sodium chloride