目的 观察新生犬外周血单个核细胞心肌内移植对急性心肌梗死左室心肌运动的影响。方法 新生犬外周血单个核细胞经分离纯化后直接注射进入成年犬前壁心梗区域 ,对照组注射无血清培养基。分别应用组织多普勒技术 (2 5MHz)分别检查术前、术后 2d、术后 30d心脏左室各部位心肌运动速度的变化。常规超声心动图检测射血分数、心输出量的变化。结果 术后 2d两组均出现左室缺血区心肌运动速度下降 ,前壁增厚率下降。左室其余各壁 (室间隔除外 )代偿性运动增强 ,二尖瓣侧壁运动显示左室收缩舒张功能降低无明显差别。心输出量、射血分数降低。术后 30d ,细胞移植组左室收缩舒张功能得以较好保持 ,左室运动改善 ,两组相比差别显著。结论 单个核细胞移植可以有效改善心肌梗死后左室心肌运动 ,有效维持心脏收缩及舒张功能。
Objective To investigate the effect of neonatal dog peripheral mononuclear cells transplantation into acute myocardial infarction on motion of myocardium by doppler tissue imaging Methods Mononuclear cells from neonatal dogs were isolated and purified The descending coronary arteries of the mature dogs were ligated and the cells were injected into the border zone of the infarct region The control group was injected with non-serum culture medium Doppler tissue imaging(HP-sonos 5500,2 5MHz)were used at pre-operation,2 and 30 days after operation to determine the velocity changes of myocardium motion at different parts of left ventricle Cardiac outputs and ejection fraction were measured by routine means Results 2 days after operation decreases of the myocardium velocity at the infarct regions were observed in both groups There were compensated motion increases at other parts of left ventricle Mitral valve lateral motions showed that systolic and diastolic functions deteriorated as well as ejection fractions and cardiac outputs 30 days after operation the heart functions of the mononuclear cells transplantation group were preserved effectively and there were obvious improvements of left ventricle motion Conclusion Neonatal dog peripheral mononuclear cells transplantation into acute myocardial infarction could improve the motion of left ventricular myocardium after infarction and preserve the systolic and diastolic function of heart
Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Myocardial infarction
Doppler tissue imaging
Mononuclear cells