首次提出在 NH4H2 PO4- Ca( NO3) 2 溶液中添加水溶性乙烯类有机高聚物 ,实现了通过电化学共沉积法制备具有生物活性的有机高聚物 /钙磷陶瓷复合膜层。用 XRD、SEM等对膜层的组分和形貌进行表征 ,证明陶瓷膜层表面形貌发生明显的变化。有机高聚物的引入 ,并不影响电沉积制备的羟基磷灰石 ( HAP)晶体在 ( 0 0 2 )晶面生长存在的晶面择优取向。体外细胞实验表明 。
An electrochemical co-deposition technique has been developed to prepare a hydroxyapatite (HAP)/organic polymer composite coating on Ti surface as new biomaterial of hard tissue. The composite coating of organic polymer and calcium phosphate is formed by adding a water soluble polymer of the ethylene series to NH 4H 2PO 4-Ca(NO 3) 2 solution when conducting an appropriate electrochemical co-deposition experiment. The XRD, SEM, XPS, SIMS and nano indent measurements were performed to characterize the morphology, composition, structure and surface stiffness of the composite coating. It was found that the morphology and surface hardness of the coatings showed a remarkable modification when introducing a minor polymer to HAP coatin, and the bonding force between the coating and metal substrate was distinctly increased. The incorporation of minor organic polymer into the HAP compound at molecular level will improve the mechanical properties and morphology of the composite coatings, and this may be helpful to raising its bio-activity.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 98730 39)