学界对明末清初利玛窦(MatteoRicci,S.J., 1552-1610)、艾儒略(Giuglio Aleni, S.J., 1582-1649)、汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell, S.J., 1591-1666)等在华耶稣会士已取得了许多可喜的研究成果,但对他们在欧洲所接受的教育背景缺乏相关深入的研究。本文,首先考察1599年耶稣会《教育计划》(Ratio Studiorum)的教育理念、内容、方法及课程设置,以研究来华会士的学术背景和知识结构。其次,研究高一志的教育背景,考察他在义大利都灵学院(TurinCollege)与米兰佈雷拉学院(Brera College)接受教育的整个流程,在米兰的教学活动,在南京学习汉语及儒家经典;并将他的教育背景与其译著作品及学术活动进行互动性连接,分析其中的教育思想与所呈现的历史意义。最后,研究高一志与绦州一带亲近西学与西教的儒家士人的互动,考辨其教育思想在本地的实践及影响。希望拙文有助于学界对在华耶稣会士于欧洲接受教育的背景有较深入的瞭解,并对他们在各领域的思想进行更深入的研究。
Scholars already have profound research results on the works of several Jesuit missionaries,like Matteo Ricci,S.J.(1552-1610),Giuglio Aleni,S.J.(1582-1649)and Johann Adam Schall von Bell,S.J.(1591-1666),from late Ming China.However,insufficient studies have been made on their educational background back in Europe.This article first tries to investigate the Jesuits’Ratio Studiorum(1599),its concepts,contents,methods and course structures,in order to explore the academic background and the knowledge structure of those missionaries.Then,this article concentrates on the educational background of Alfonso Vagnone,his studies in Turin College and Brera College of Milan,his teaching experience in Milan,and his study in Nanjing of Chinese and the Confucian classics;how all this training linked with his translated works and his teachings,and why his teaching concepts are of historical value.Finally,this research examines Alfonso Vagnone’s interactions with the western scholars from Jiangzhou and the Confucian scholars from the western world,and the impact of the practice of their educational concepts.I hope this article will help in the understanding of the educational background of those missionaries who went to China during late Ming period,and help to have a more in depth understanding of their thoughts in all aspects.
Study of Christianity
Alfonso Vagnone
Ratio Studiorum
Academic Activities