传统英语教学法已不能适应当前时代发展的需求,也不利于英语学习者实际英语运用能力的提高。在大学英语教学改革中,专门用途英语(English for specific Purposes,简称ESP)越来越受到人们的重视。ESP教学法就是根据学习者的专业需求而制订的一种英语教学方法。但当前ESP教学也存在很多不足,我们应该对其加强研究,利用ESP理论设计课程、培养师资和编写教材,以满足教学改革与社会发展的需求。
Traditional English teaching methods can not meet the demand now; it is not helpful to improve the application of English skills, either. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has gained increasingly attention during college English teaching reform. ESP teaching method is based on the specialized demand of learners. There are many deficiencies in today's ESP teaching, so we should use ESP theory to design courses, to train more ESP teachers, and to compile teaching materials, in order to meet the need of teaching reform and social development.
Journal of Changzhi University