
结束就是开始——莫尔特曼神学思想简介 被引量:2

摘要 <正>当代德国神学大师莫尔特曼(J(u|¨)rgen Moltmann,1926-)~①热爱中国文化,他家里有一间中国小客厅,全部摆设中国文物,作为休憩以及与朋友谈天之处,而且他爱吃中国餐点更是有名。他对道家思想的了解非常有深度~②,对于中国历史基于稻田生活方式而来的文化背景也有深入的了解。~③他曾多次访问中国,尤其是2014年10月在中国人民大学与各方菁英学者专家对谈,实在是中德思想交流史上难得一见的盛事。当莫尔特曼写到《系统神学论丛》 The end of every theological journey is the beginning of another theological journey. The theology of Jürgen Moltmann (1926- ) reflects the belief that in the end it is the beginning. His theology originated from a prisoner of war camp, a hopeless place where he was converted to Christianity. This has made his theology very different from other traditional German theologies, which were formed mainly in academic ofifces. The author offers an introduction to Moltmann’s theology as a response to his recent lectures at Renmin University of China. We will brielfy track the historical and social context of his theology, and explain why Moltmann has deifned his theology by the term “post-Barthian.” On the one hand, he inhabits the era after Barth. On the other hand, he intends to stand on the shoulders of Barth to strengthen areas of weakness, such as trinitarian theology, and to ifll gaps, such as eschatology. Moltmann’s theology of hope (also his ethics of hope) has done a great job in interpreting the Christian faith from an eschatological perspective, which has led him to the theology of the cross and then to trinitairan theology. Such a theology has focused upon human history, and has led him to a hope formed by revelation from heaven. This paper argues that Moltmann does not try to defend himself against criticisms that his theology is one-sided, but rather he takes them as a starting point to develop a greater comprehensiveness. Above all, his theological journey is a journey of adventure, a journey that always comes with surprises.
作者 林鸿信
机构地区 台湾神学院
出处 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第2期3-25,共23页 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture
  • 相关文献


  • 1Karl Barth.Church Dogmatics. . 2009
  • 2Karl Barth.'Concluding Unscientific Postscript on Schleiermacher,'. The Theology of Schleiermacher .
  • 3Jurgen Moltmann.Tie Source of Life:Tie Holy Spirit and the Theology of Life. . 1997










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