

摘要 <正>布菜斯·帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal,1623-1662)可谓是一个知识界的天才——集数学家、发明家、物理学家和哲学家诸称谓于一身,同时他也是一个虔诚的基督徒。他的一生虽然短暂,却一直在寻求科学和宗教上的真理,并且成就卓越。他被奥克斯(Edward T.Oakes)誉为'第一个现代基督徒'。~①在面对笛卡尔的唯理主义以及怀疑主义的挑战时,在他自身寻求理解上帝的过程中,他是如何处理信仰和理性、启示真理和自然真理的关系的?他是一个理性主义的时代之子, On the basis of Blaise Pascal’sLes Pensees, this essay examines Pascal’s theological epistemology from his perspective of existentialist anthropology. At the same time his response to the challenge of rationalism and skepticism is also analyzed, through which we can ifnd out how Pascal balances faith and reason. As early as the 17th century, Pascal had already pointed out that neither rationalism nor empiricism could serve as solid foundations for truth claims. On the other hand, Pascal as a responsible ifdeist also believes that reason can serve as people’s guide into Christian truth. His existentialist anthropology helps him to transcend the faith-reason contradiction. The author thinks that Pascal’s unique theological epistemology sheds light on contemporary Chinese theologies both within andextra ecclesia with a balanced view on faith and reason. Through a detailed study of Pascal’s thinking on the relations between faith and reason, the author hopes to stimulate more discussions on this issue among the Chinese contemporary intellectuals.
作者 文革
出处 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第2期141-166,共26页 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture
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