求作圆柱面与圆锥面轴线斜交时的相贯线 ,通常用的作图方法是球面法或辅助平面法。用球面法作出的相贯线精度较低 ,辅助平面法作图较繁。通过对圆柱面与圆锥面轴线斜交相贯时几种情况的投影分析 ,提出了一种比较精确而又简单实用的求作相贯线的方法。
The spherical method and auxiliary plane method are usually apply in making up the intersection line, while cylinder and circular cone intersect each other diagonally. The precision of making up the intersection lines is lower by using the spherical method, but Making up intersection line is more complexly by applying auxiliary plane. This paper puts forward a not only more precise but also simple and practical method of making up the intersect lines through projection analysis of some situation while cylinder and circular cone intersecting each other diagonally .
Taiyuan Science and Technology