通过对粉体喷射水泥搅拌桩在浙江省高速公路桥头软土地基处理中的应用与研究 ,由对比试验 ,获得了在刚性基础条件下 ,桩身应力的传递规律与变形特征 ,以及在路堤柔性荷载作用下桩与桩间土的变形不协调性 ,揭示了在柔性荷载作用下复合地基的形成机理和设置垫层的必要性 ,经多条高速公路的施工实践 。
According to the application and research on dry jet mixing piles in soft soil treatment at bridge heads of expressway, the transfer law and deformation characteristics of the stresses of pile body under rigid foundation conditions and the deformation inconsistency of soil between piles under flexible load action are obtained by means of contrast tests, and the formation mechanism of composite foundation and necessity of bedding layer under flexible load action are revealed. Meanwhile, the control standards of quality inspection and evaluation by light sounding and coredrill method are put forward on the basis of construction experience of many expressways.