
用原子力显微镜研究温度和接触界面对THF水合物形貌的影响 被引量:9

Investigation on the effect of growth temperature and contact interface on surface characteristics of THF clathrate hydrates by atomic force microscopy
摘要 天然气水合物的表面形貌和性质一直是水合物研究领域的基础科学问题,它不仅制约人工环境下油气管线内水合物颗粒间聚集以及颗粒与管壁接触并阻塞管道的程度,而且还影响自然环境下水合物与沉积物骨架颗粒间接触关系以及相应的内聚力和摩擦角.本文首次运用原子力显微镜(AFM)对不同温度和不同界面合成的四氢呋喃(THF)水合物进行了表征,分析了温度和接触界面对其表面特征的影响.结果表明:在气-液界面自由生长的多晶THF水合物,生长温度越低,晶粒尺寸越小并更容易出现不定形水合物.晶粒界面的横截面呈"V"字形,其宽度和深度随生长温度降低而减小.在固-液界面受限生长的多晶THF水合物,其表面形貌和粗糙度除了受生长温度影响外还与接触的固体介质有关.当生长温度较高时晶粒尺寸较大,晶粒界面清晰可见;但生长温度较低时接触介质表面性质会影响二者分离后水合物表面形貌,如会出现微孔洞等结构且粗糙度变大,观察不到晶粒界面.这一发现对解释水合物沉积物残余强度特征与机制具有重要启示意义. A sound knowledge of surface topography and property of natural gas hydrates is of great importance to understand the interaction between hydrate and hydrate particles, or hydrate particles with other media such as steels in petroleum pipelines and minerals in natural settings. However, a solid and effective approach to investigation on the surface topography and property of clathrate hydrates remains a longstanding challenge. Here, we firstly report the characterization of THF clathrate hydrates using atomic force microscopy(AFM). These hydrate samples grew from the THF solution liquid drop in air or confined at the liquid-solid interfaces at the temperature range from –5°C to –30°C.The results show that for THF clathrate hydrates grown at gas-liquid interface, the lower growth temperature, the smaller hydrate crystalline grains. At the same time, the shapes of these THF hydrate crystalline grains change from polygonal to amorphous. The cross section of grain boundary is 'V' shape, and its width and depth decrease with the decrease of the growth temperature.The avulsed surface morphology and roughness of THF clathrate hydrate grown at the solid-liquid interface, are not only affected by the growth temperature, but also related to the solid medium. At a relatively high growth temperature, the crystalline grains are bigger, and the grain boundary can be observed. However, when the temperature is low, there are micropores on the hydrate surface and the roughness is larger. And no grain boundary can be observed. The findings have an important significance for explaining the mechanical behaviors of hydrate deposits.
作者 彭力 宁伏龙 李维 曹品强 刘志超 王冬冬 张准 孙嘉鑫 张凌 蒋国盛 欧文佳 刘天乐 程万 PENG Li;NING FuLong;LI Wei;CAO PinQiang;LIU ZhiChao;WANG DongDong;ZHANG Zhun;SUN JiaXin;ZHANG Ling;JIANG GuoSheng;OU WenJia;LIU TianLe;CHENG Wan(Faculty of Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources,Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,Qingdao 266237,China)
出处 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期144-152,共9页 Scientia Sinica Physica,Mechanica & Astronomica
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:41672367 51274177) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号:2017YFC0307600) 青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室开放基金(编号:QNLM2016ORP0203) 中国地质调查局项目(DD20160216) 国家特支计划青年拔尖人才项目资助
关键词 四氢呋喃水合物 表面形貌 原子力显微镜 粗糙度 THF clathrate hydrate atomic force microscopy surface morphology roughness
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