The world economic situation has changed greatly in 2018.Global trade and investment growth is dragged down by rising global trade frictions,tightening financial environment,increasing policy uncertainty and volatility in financial markets of emerging economies.Looking forward to 2019,the world economic growth is expected to be less optimistic.There are multiple challenges affecting economic stability.Economic growth in developed economies has slowed down.The pace of economic growth in the United States will return to mediocrity as the role of government fiscal policy weakens.The euro zone is facing unsustainable growth due to 'internal worries' such as high debt levels and 'external troubles' such as global trade friction shocks.Economic growth is not sustainable.Japan’s economic growth will decline as trade protectionism intensifies and trade frictions heat up.Uncertainties in emerging economies have increased due to international trade,investment and financial environment.Economic and political risks are generally high.The economic growth of countries will be clearly differentiated.China’s growth will be weakend by its pursuit of a high-quality and healthier mode of economic growth.China’s growth will be weakened by its pursuit of a highquality and healthier mode of ewnomic groth.
World Economy Studies