SF6分解物一直是人们研究的重要课题,为明确型号为PASS MOO DBB(HGIS)的72.5 k V PASS内SF6分解物异常原因,以实际运行中的72.5 k V PASS在检测中发现分解物异常为例,详细介绍了设备的异常情况及异常处理过程,并通过理论计算验证了推断的有效性,并给出了该异常情况的处理措施及预防措施。
SF6decomposition research is an important subject. To explicit causes for abnormity of SF6 decomposition in 72. 5 k V PASS of model PASS MOO DBB( HGIS),this paper chooses the example of abnormal SF6 decomposition in the process of testing with 72. 5k V PASS,abnormal condition and processing procedure are introduced in detail. Results demonstrate that the deduction is effective by theoretical calculation and the solution,the preventive measures are presented.
2015年第8期14-16 22,22,共4页
Northeast Electric Power Technology