
大学毕业生求职努力程度对就业满意度的影响——以中部某省为例 被引量:1

The Influence of Job Applications by University Undergraduates on Employment Satisfaction——Take Certain Central Province of China for Example
摘要 就业满意度被认为是求职行为的结果,求职行为的改变可以影响就业满意度。本研究通过对中部某省已签约就业单位的本科毕业生进行调研,并建立Logistic回归模型,探讨求职成本、简历投递份数和面试次数的求职行为对大学毕业生就业满意度的影响。结果显示:大学毕业生适当的增加求职成本花费能够有效提升就业满意度;大学毕业生投递的简历越多,就业满意度越低;大学毕业生面试的次数越多,就业满意度越低。 Employment satisfaction is considered the result of job-seeking behavior.Changes in job-seeking behavior will affect employment satisfaction.By investigating and studying undergraduates who have signed contracts with enterprises and public institutions in certain central province of China,and establishing'Logistic'regressive model,the study discusses the influence of job application,such as job-seeking costs,the numbers of résumésubmissions and interviews,on employment satisfaction.The result suggests that:1.university undergraduates appropriately increasing job-seeking costs can effectively improve job satisfaction;2.the more résumés university undergraduates deliver,the less employment satisfaction will be;3.the more interviews university undergraduates experience,the less employment satisfaction will be.
作者 胡登宇 杨娟 钟云华 Hu Deng-yu;Yang Juan;Zhong Yun-hua
出处 《中国大学生就业》 2019年第18期49-54,共6页 China University Students Career Guide
基金 湖南省教育厅重点课题“扩招后社会资本对大学生求职影响时空变迁的生发机制及政策调整研究(17A023)”的研究成果 湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目(湘教通[2016]239号)
关键词 求职努力程度 就业满意度 就业质量 Job application employment satisfaction employment quality
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