
中国公路交通联系的空间结构解析——兼论与贫困地区空间关系 被引量:11

Analysis of Spatial Structure of China’s Highway Transport Contacts——Concurrent on Spatial Relations With Poor Regions
摘要 依据全国中心城市间公路客运联系巨量数据,基于O-D联系GIS空间分析方法,分别从全国、区域、省域、城市群、贫困地区等多种空间视角解构全国中心城市公路交通联系的空间结构图景。研究显示,全国公路客运联系以省会城市及区域性中心城市为联系中心,以省区内其他中心城市为联系对象,在中短途客运距离内形成自成一体的区域性中心集聚的空间分布格局。全国区域发展的巨大落差在公路交通联系方面被极其明显地反映了出来。全国公路客运联系空间格局大体呈现由西向东、由内陆向沿海渐进式的梯度变化,空间结构由松散到密集、由单中心到双中心、以至多中心的网络化分布格局,这一演变特征在黄河流域经济带最为明显,长江经济带则呈现“两头翘、中间凹”的发展态势。全国城市群交通联系的空间极化效应明显,长三角、珠三角城市群交通联系的网络发育最为成熟,长江中游、哈长城市群内部核心城市之间的交通联系急需强化。研究显示,贫困地区多处在区域中心城市对外交通联系的边缘地带,加强对贫困地区交通联系方面的迟滞因素与致贫机理研究意义重大。 According to highway passenger transport vast array data of China’s central cities, based on GIS spatial network analysis method of O-D connection, respectively analyze the spatial structure picture with China’s central cities highway passenger transport contacts from multiple perspectives of the national, regional, provincial, urban agglomeration and poor regional. Research shows, the national highway passenger transport contacts take the center as provincial capital and regional central cities, link with other central cities in provincial regions, come into being a spatial distribution pattern of regional central agglomeration with self integrated in short distance passenger transport. The vast regional development differences across the country have been clearly reflected in highway passenger transport connects.The spatial pattern of national highway passenger transport connects presents a gradient change trend from west to east,inland to coastal, the spatial structure is from loose to dense, from single center to double center and even multi-center network structure. This evolution characteristic is most obvious in Yellow River basin economic belt, and the Yangtze River economic belt presents the development trend of "both ends cocked up, middle dented". The spatial polarization effect is particularly obvious of national urban agglomerations highway passenger transport connects, the Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta urban agglomerations have the most mature transport connect network, the key cities transportation links need urgent reinforcement in the middle reaches of Yangtze River and Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration. Research shows, the poor regions are mostly located in the marginal zones to the regional central cities external traffic links, the study on retardation factor and produce poverty mechanism in poor regions traffic links need to be strengthened.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期52-59,共8页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41371133,41430637) 河南省高校哲学社科研究优秀学者资助项目(2016-YXXZ-19) 河南省高校科技创新人才(人文社科类)支持计划(2017-CXRC-013) 河南省高校哲学社科创新团队支持计划(2016-CXTD-04)
关键词 公路交通 中心城市 城市群 网络化格局 贫困地区 中国 highway transport central cities urban agglomerations network pattern poor regions China
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