
休耕制度试点阶段经济补偿的绩效评估——以云南省样本户为例 被引量:7

Performance Evaluation of Compensation in the Pilot Phase of Fallow System:Study on Fallow Samples from Yunnan Province
摘要 以云南省594户调研样本为例,在相对收入理论指引下采用倾向评分匹配法对休耕农户和非休耕农户进行特征匹配,通过对比农户的家庭经济福利评估休耕经济补偿绩效,并进一步论证休耕经济补偿绩效的影响因素。研究表明:(1)现阶段休耕经济补偿导致农业收入减少16.53%,尽管非农收入能够提升8.15%,但家庭人均纯收入总体减少了14.07%,在一定程度上会挫伤农户参与休耕项目的积极性和主动性,进一步影响休耕制度的可持续性。(2)回归分析发现,人力资本和村庄特征对休耕经济补偿绩效有显著正向影响,而休耕决策变量、社会资本和物质资本会产生显著的负向影响,其中以家庭有效劳动力比和劳动力平均受教育年限为代表的人力资本是休耕经济补偿绩效的关键影响因子。为提升休耕经济补偿绩效,文章从提升补偿标准,丰富休耕补偿方式,释放农业劳动力以及农业生产方式的转型升级四个方面提出政策建议。 Fallow compensation is the key to encouraging farmers to participate in the fallow system. The primary objective of compensation in the pilot phase of the fallow system is to consolidate the mass base and increase the enthusiasm and initiative of farmers to participate in fallow project. It is very significant for improving the fallow compensation mechanismand evaluating the performance of fallow economic compensation under the current policy system. This paper takes 594 research samples from Yanshan and Shilin of Yunnan Province as examples. This paper,based on the relative income theory and the propensity score matching method, evaluates family economic welfare of fallow farmers. Moreover, regression analysis would be applied for the purpose of demonstrating the factors of the fallow economic compensation performance. The results of the study show that:(1) The fallow compensation standard at this stage leads to a reduction of 16.53% in agricultural income. Although the non-agricultural income can be increased by8.15%, the household per capita net income has decreased by 14.07%, which will not be disadvantageous to fallow farmers. The enthusiasm and initiative of farmers to participate in the fallow project is dampened.(2) Regression analysis finds that human capital and village characteristics have a significant positive impact on fallow economic compensation performance, and fallow decision variables, social capital and physical capital will have a significant negative impact, in which human capital is the key impact of compensation performance. In order to improve the performance of fallow economic compensation, based on the above research results, this paper puts forward the following suggestions:(1) It is necessary to appropriately increase the fallow compensation rate. The current stage of fallow compensation should be based on farmers’ utility.(2) Enriching the way of fallow compensation, and adding green compensation, incentive compensation and technical guidance as appropriate under the premise of monetary compensation.(3) Releasing the agricultural labor force and improving the quality of the labor force.(4) Accelerating the transformation and upgrading of agricultural production methods.
作者 杨庆媛 曾黎 廖俊儒 杨人豪 陈伊多 YANG Qingyuan;ZENG Li;LIAO Junru;YANG Renhao;CHEN Yiduo(School of Geographical Sciences,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;Institute of Green and Low-carbon Development,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China;School of Geographical Sciences,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200214,China)
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期143-152,共10页 Economic Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDC032)
关键词 休耕补偿 相对收入理论 倾向评分匹配 绩效评估 云南 fallow compensation relative income theory propensity score matching performance evaluation Yunnan
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