1995年1月24日江西省寻乌县发生ML4 5级地震,本文从震例的角度,对该次地震的地震地质背景、烈度分布与震害、地震序列、震源机制解和地震主破裂面、地震活动背景情况作了初步探讨,并对震源重新定位。
The Xunwu earthquake with magnitude ML45 occurred on January 24,1995 in Xunwu county, Jiangxi province. The epicenter is at 25°18' N,115° 336' E and the focal depth is 107km.As an earthquake example, its geologic setting, distributions of intensity and damage, earthquake series, focal mechanism, main fracture plane and seismicity background are analyzed preliminarily. The earthquake is relocated.
South China Journal of Seismology